Masha Amini’s Murder: On Liberty, Iran and The Subjugation of Women

We're talking about the recent history of Iran in the context of the murder of Mahsa Amini, a woman who was recently beaten to death by the "Morality Police" in Iran for the crime of improperly wearing a head scarf.

Sept. 30, 2022

In September of 2022 Mahsa Amini, a 22 year old Kurdish woman was arrested by the Iranian "Morality Police" for improperly wearing her head scarf in public. Witnesses said she was severely beaten while being detained. She later died in custody, from what the authorities say was a heart attack, but from what medical examiners say was ...

Hunted: Where The Crawdads Sing Author Wanted For Snuff Film Related Questioning in Zambia

A story about an American family with a white savior complex, the first snuff film broadcast on national TV, a nameless murder victim executed in a Zambian National Park and a famous novel made into a movie.

Sept. 28, 2022

Before she was a famous fiction author, Delia and her then-husband Mark were anti-poaching activists in both Zambia and Botswana, and are still wanted for questioning in Africa due to a murder which was recorded and broadcast to American audiences in an ABC News documentary in the 1990s. If you like our content, please ...

Fat Leo and The US Navy: A Story About Wild Hobbit Sex Parties, Bribery and A Bold Escape

The biggest bribery investigation in US military history revolves around a Malaysian defense contractor who just made an escape as brazen as the case itself: Leonard Francis aka Fat Leo snipped off his ankle monitor and disappeared from house arrest.

Sept. 21, 2022

We're talking about the case of Leonard Glenn Francis, a defense contractor who owned a company named Glenn Defense Marine Asia, or GDMA for short. He bribed his way literally to the top of the US Navy chain of command, and the fallout included an admiral who was short-listed for chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, but now is the f ...

Placido Domingo and The Buenos Aires Yoga Symphony Sex Cult

A Yoga school in Buenos Aires full of classical musicians has operated for over 30 years as a hidden international sex cult.

Sept. 19, 2022

We're talking about the recent raid by the Argentine Federal Police's Human Trafficking unit of a sex cult that has operated internationally from Buenos Aires for the past 3 decades... at least. If you like our content please become a patron to get more premium episodes like this one, as ...

Mini Dubisode: Blowing Up Democracy - The GOP’s Secret Plan to Rewrite the Constitution

“You take this grenade and you pull the pin, you've got a live piece of ammo in your hands; 34 states - if every Republican legislator votes for this, we have a constitutional convention..." --Rick Santorum at an ALEC meeting, December 2021

Sept. 16, 2022

Republicans are pushing for an unprecedented constitutional convention to re-write our constitution, the US legal bedrock since 1778. And so far, 19 states have joined this rapidly growing GOP movement to call for a new convention. If you like our content, please become a patron and get e ...

Justice Thomas’ Wife: Why This Ginni Must Be Put Back In The Bottle

Is the pope trying to curtail a Vatican organization affiliated with Clarence and Ginni Thomas, right wing judges, and developing world dictators?

Sept. 14, 2022

We're talking about Opus Dei, the Catholic Information Network, Leonard Leo, Ginni and Clarence Thomas, and incidentally in the context of this story, the Order of the Knights of Malta. If you like our content please become a patron to get our exclusive premium episodes, as well as our pu ...

The End Of An Era and The New King For Climate: What’s Next For The British Monarchy?

After 70 years of service to the people of the United Kingdom, the Realms and the Commonwealth, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth Windsor passed away at 96, surrounded by her family at Balmoral Castle in Scotland.

Sept. 8, 2022

Whether you’re a monarchist or not, you have to admit that Elizabeth Regina II – Lilibet et as Prince Phillip used to call her - was a magnificent monarch and also a most capable and beloved mother figure for the British people. She was also The United Kingdom's longest reigning monarch. If you like our content, please ...

The Purge: What’s Going On at CNN?

New masters, new direction: CNN fired Brian Stelter and cancelled his show Reliable Sources (which was on the air for 30 years) and then, on September 2nd, John Harwood, was pushed out the door as well.

Sept. 7, 2022

Cable News Network was the brainchild of Ted Turner and it was based on a revolutionary concept at the time, a concept that changed the notion that news could only be reported at fixed times throughout the day. CNN was the world’s first 24-hour television news network, and it made its debut on June 1st 1980 from its HQ in Atlanta Georg ...

Genocide: Sponsored by the Firestone Tire and Rubber Company

We're talking about the real life version of Andre Baptiste: Charles Taylor, former "lord of war" and president of Liberia, who struck a deal with the Firestone Tire company to fund his bloody political revolution.

Aug. 31, 2022

Charles and Chuckie Taylor left a swath of death and destruction through the country of Liberia in the 1980s and 1990s, which culminated in both of them being run out of political office and tried and convicted of war crimes. This is a preview of a premium episode, if you like our content please ...

Anna de Rothschild, The Fake Russian Speaking Heiress Who Infiltrated Mar A Lago: Is She A Spy?

The FBI's investigation into Inna Yashchyshyn, a woman with 4 passports and suspicious background, who befriended Donald Trump and Lindsey Graham, and mingled with 45’s most inner circle.

Aug. 30, 2022

Inna Yashchyshyn, who presented herself as fake heiress Anna de Rothschild, was born in Ukraine, has American, Canadian, Russian and Ukrainian passports and a Florida driver’s license and the authorities have no idea when she entered the country. If you like our content, please become a patro ...